IT ACADEMY is a professionally run organisation believing in precise and flawless transactions. We give highest importance to the security of your information. We are committed to ensure you that the information collected from you will be mainly used for superior delivery of services and to communicate with you. We assure you that your information will not be shared with any third party, whatever the reason may be.

While making payment, the information provided by you such as bank details and credit card information etc. will be kept confidential with us. We use all the possible methods to safeguard and secure the information collected online.

To inform any change(s) required in your information, please write to or email us. Any incorrect transaction from our side can be intimated to us.

When you visit and navigate our sites, we will not collect personal information unless you provide us that information voluntarily. Any non-public personal information that you may provide via our sites will be used solely for the purpose stated on the page where it is collected. The e-mail address you submit to receive information from our site will never be disclosed to any third party.

From time to time, our site may provide links to other websites, not owned or controlled by the Company, that it thinks might be useful or of interest to you. The Company cannot, however, be responsible for the privacy practices used by other website owners or the content or accuracy of those other websites.

Copyright Notice

All text, images, and other materials, thus communicable via both digital, print or any other media, on this Website are subject to the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of IT ACADEMY. Ownership of the copyrights in the selection, coordination and arrangement of the materials on this website rests with the Company. These materials thus shall not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor shall be modified or reposted to other sites.