Browsing and using this website implies that you have read, understood and agreed to the following Terms and Conditions and the Privacy policy of IT ACADEMY. In this documentation the terms ‘our’, ‘the company’,’ we’, ‘us’ refer to IT ACADEMY and the terms ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘student’, ‘member’, ‘client’, ’customer’ refer to a company or individual who may consider or who has entered into a contractual agreement with IT ACADEMY.

The content of the website is subject to change without notice. IT ACADEMY reserves the right to modify, add or delete any Terms and Conditions mentioned here without any prior notice.

These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all training carried out in the provision of services by IT ACADEMY to the customer in accordance with any order confirmation accepted by the customer. No additions to, or modifications of, these Terms and Conditions shall have effect unless expressly agreed in writing by both parties and stated to be amendments to these Terms and Conditions. IT ACADEMY  employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations whatsoever concerning the provision of services unless confirmed by IT ACADEMY  in writing. The customer accepts that it does not rely on, and waives any breach of, any such representations that are not confirmed.


  • Read the Terms and Conditions available before enrolling onto any course.
  • No specific pre-requisites and eligibility criteria are mentioned by us for enrolment onto any course by us. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure themselves of any pre-requisites, eligibility criteria and of the usefulness to them of the course.
  • We reserve the right to cancel the membership of any student in case of misconduct/misbehaviour as decided by the policies and standards of IT ACADEMY.


By providing enough information through the registration form and after completing other necessary formalities, you will become a member of IT ACADEMY and will be given access to the various services offered by us.

Once you select the course and fix your schedule for the class, the billing process starts. You will be billed as per the course selected by you. In accord with our payment policies described below, the full amount should be paid. You will be allotted classes only after making the necessary payment.


Enrolment onto any course should be done after carefully going through the schedule available on our website. The courses given in the list may not be available at particular times. We reserve the right to change the course schedule without prior notice.


  1. Bookings can be accepted at any time up to the course start date, subject to availability.
  2. A valid form of payment must be received from the Customer in order to reserve a place.
  3. Bookings can be made by online, by phone or email.   


  1. It is the customer’s responsibility, having referred to relevant IT ACADEMY  course information, or consultation with IT ACADEMY training representative, to ensure the course is suitable for their requirements
  2. In all circumstances IT ACADEMY  require written notification of any cancellations.
  3. Any cancellations after the course start date will incur a 100% cancellation charge.
  4. If a student fails to maintain their schedule to complete the course no refund will be given.
  5. IT ACADEMY undertakes to provide the training course on the date specified except when external circumstances prevent this. In these circumstances IT ACADEMY will endeavour to re run the course on a mutually agreeable basis.
  6. IT ACADEMY  takes no responsibility for loss of profit and/or for any incidental, consequential special or indirect losses as a consequence of exceptional cancellations.


IT ACADEMY  reserves the right to assign or sub contract its training courses to other appointed and approved personnel.


  1. All course fees are fixed and published by IT ACADEMY, however IT ACADEMY reserves the right to review and change prices.
  2. The course fee (training cost) includes tuition, training materials and computer time as appropriate to the course. The course fee (training cost) does not include any Assessment and Certification costs.
  3. The client agrees to pay for any loss or extra cost incurred by IT ACADEMY as a consequence of the client’s instructions or through failure in taking delivery on the part of the client.


Our course listing is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer for a particular course or programme. IT ACADEMY constantly strives to improve the content of its courses and therefore reserves the right to modify the specification of a course without notice to the customer. A course title, duration, cost, content and location are thus liable to change at any time.


  1. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the course is suitable for their requirements. All customers should have read and understood the course outline and met the necessary prerequisites.
  2. We urge customers to support this policy, which is designed to protect the customer’s training investment.
  3. All students will be required to abide by any site rules and regulations operating at the course location.


IT ACADEMY shall be entitled to delay or cancel delivery or to reduce the amount delivered if it is prevented from, hindered in or delayed in the provision of services through any circumstances beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to strikes, lock outs, accidents, war, fire, acts of God, reduction in or unavailability of power, break down of plant or machinery or shortage or unavailability of raw materials from normal sources of supply.


  1. Except as may otherwise be expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions, all warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings and representations of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied, whether by statute, common law or otherwise, are hereby excluded by IT ACADEMY  to the fullest extent permitted by law and IT ACADEMY  shall have no other obligation, duty or liability whatsoever in contract, tort, statute or otherwise to the customer.
  2. IT ACADEMY represents and warrants that the services provided will be performed in a professional and skillful manner consistent with the standards and the general customs and practices of the industry.
  3. IT ACADEMY accepts no liability for the failure of any third party hardware, software and/or systems which may be the subject of any IT ACADEMY  services: this includes failure to meet its operating specification.
  4. No part of the training material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of IT ACADEMY  or the copyright owner.
  5. All Intellectual Property Rights for any product or service remain the property of IT ACADEMY  unless otherwise stated or agreed in writing.


Upon course completion, student will be guided to take up the examination conducted by respective software vendor or company


  • Unauthorised use of this site will be considered as a criminal offence and may give rise to a claim for damages.
  • The full content of this site is the sole property of IT ACADEMY and the course material provided in the site is meant only for the purpose of education.
  • All trademarks published in this site are not the property of, or licensed to, us.
  • Reproduction of the course material in any form is prohibited, violating which will be considered as a prosecutable offence.