Emerging new technologies result in rapid changes in the development of various software and applications. The advancement in technologies makes it very essential to keep up-to-date with the technology upgrades. Busy work schedules, travel and after-hours responsibilities do not allow the professionals to take time off for any training course. With our Weekend training, have the freedom to choose the day, time of day and a course that best suits you. 

  • Flexibility to working professionals
  • Continuous skill upgradation
  • Intensive coaching
  • Complete training in less time
  • Professional development
  • Improved work quality
  • Better jobs & higher positions
  • Broadened career prospects

IT ACADEMY Weekend training classes help professionals develop their skills, without taking valuable time off their work. Those who wish to make the most out of their weekends, our professional weekend courses gives an ideal solution.

Our Weekend training courses deliver education for professionals with an aim to complete the same within a short period of time, but with the same commitment and dedication as done for the regular training batches.